Ta del av blogger fra våre dyktige lærere om kundalini og yogisk livsstil.

How to Incorporate Mindfulness into Everyday Life - A Beginner’s Guide
Have you ever felt like life is moving too fast? Do you find yourself caught in a net of worries about the future or ruminations about the past?

Reclaiming Yoga's True Essence_ From Fitness Fad to Spiritual Discipline
Do you practice Yoga for the flexibility it affords you? For the physical strength that the postures offer? Do you see the practices as only a workout, much like lifting weights, HIIT, or cardio dance sessions?

Inner vs. Outer Stimulation in Yoga: How Diet and Lifestyle Shape Mental Clarity
Nowadays, most people are very dependent on external stimulants like caffeine, alcohol, drugs, etc., to stay focused, be present, and feel more energy during the day.

Yoga for Every Body: Rethinking Physical Ideals and Rediscovering the True Purpose of Practice
Yoga was always supposed to be a practice of self-discovery and inner connection of parts. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, that focus has shifted, especially as yoga started to spread around the world and be adopted by different cultures than its native one.

The Marketization of Indigenous Spiritual Practices
Over the past decade, the wellness industry has changed ancient spiritual traditions into commercialized lifestyle trends.

Beyond the Body: Finding Balance Between Asceticism and Modern Yoga's Obsession with Appearance
Yoga originated in the spiritual traditions of India and it has been practiced for thousands of years.

Is Yoga Also Tantra?
Is Yoga Also Tantra? A Journey into Presence and Connection
By Anand Raj Schaible
"Is Yoga also Tantra?"
This was the question that sparked a profound discussion during my master class at the Olso Tanra Festival. Instead of giving a simple yes or no answer, we embarked on an exploration—through reflection, dialogue, and embodied experience—to understand the deeper connection between yoga and Tantra.

The Intersection of Sound Healing and Modern Psychotherapy
Sound healing has been practised for thousands of years in our collective past. From South America through Africa to Asia, most tribes and ancient cultures had some form of sound healing.

How Breathwork Improves Emotional Well-being and Relieves Stress
Despite the recent surge of interest in breathwork, it is an ancient practice that has evolved over time, and it has roots in yoga and Eastern traditions. It has become increasingly popular due to its benefits.

Healing Through Sound: The Science of Gong Therapy
Sound therapy is a form of therapy that uses sound to encourage relaxation within the mind and body. The benefits of sound therapy have been explored in traditional and modern medicine as a way to confront mental health struggles and reduce stress.

Sound as a Meditative Tool: Discover Naada Yoga and Mantra Chanting in Oslo
Have you ever been entirely lost in the flow of a kirtan? Listening, and maybe even singing along, to the chants and bhajans? Some slow and soothing, some more energetic and fast-paced; all taking you to a place of almost uncontainable ecstasy!

The Role of Gratitude Practice in Mental Health.
Gratitude is more than a feeling; it is a practice that can transform your life.
There’s evidence that gratitude can reduce stress and anxiety and help to improve our relationship with our loved ones.

Numerology for 2025 by Anand Raj
2025 invites us to envision a vision of peace that cannot be envisioned, to let this vision become our projection—an aura that neutralizes and complements all that comes its way, reflecting back as radiant, pure light.

Pilates: A Bridge to Holistic Fitness and Recovery
The Eastern Influence: Mind-Body Connection and Controlled Breathing
The Western Influence: Core Strength and Physical Conditioning

Haridev og Mats
Vil du vite hvordan Mats opplevde i sin første yogatime noensinne?
Sjekk Haridevs og Mats' samtale der Mats delte sine erfaringer og hva som er viktig for ham å dele med elevene sine i en yogatime.

Haridev og Iselin
Haridev og Iselin deler hvordan yoga kom inn i livene deres for mange måner siden!

Haridev og Ann Christin
Hør Ann Christin og Haridevs inspirerende samtale om hvordan Kundalini Yoga forandret livet til Ann Christin og førte til at hun ble yogalærer.

Om reiser forbi og fremover
Og så har vi nesten kommet til slutten av Yogalærerutdanningen på Northern Light. 8 reiser til Oslo. 8 trinn på veien.
En reise vi ikke tok alene, men som en gruppe. Et minne om at vi aldri er alene. Hvis vi åpner øynene, ser vi at vi er mange på veien.
Før oss, ved siden av oss og etter oss.

Haridev og Kristina Manpriya
Haridev og Kristina Manpriya snakket om hva de elsker med Kundalini Yoga. Lytt til deres inspirerende og energiløftende samtale.
Ny til yoga eller Northern Light Yoga?
Intro-tilbud 10 dager kr 550,-
Benytt deg av vårt intro-tilbud hvor du kan praktisere så mye du vil i 10 dager for kr 550,-
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