Yogic Arts™️


Person utfører en yogaposisjon i et betongrom.

In the lovely space of Northern Light Yoga studio in gorgeous Oslo City, after a two-year sabbatical, a crazy, sexy, cool, and warm welcome to practice again in person with Sensei Duncan Wong.

Duncan is thrilled to return and practice with the Viking tribal Sangha of YogicArts™️, co-harmonizing in interbeingness, while refreshing and revitalizing in this regenerative practice; a practice that evolves each time we gather and grow together.

We extend a warm welcome to new and old students who have never practiced with Duncan Sensei before, or have experienced his magic touch and are returning to practice with a desire to grow and deepen their practice and experience.

This course and stand-alone sessions will reveal the knowledge about the therapeutic side (yoga chikitsa) of flow (vinyasa), breath (prana), and core (bandha); learning the foundation of YogicArts™️.

En mann utfører en avansert yoga- eller gymnastikkstilling i en urban setting, balanserer horisontalt på armene med benene hevet i luften. Han har på seg mørke leggings.
Mann som utfører yoga på en utendørs plass med betongvegger, iført svarte leggings. Han er i en balanserende posisjon med en arm utstrakt og den andre over brystet.

What is YogicArts™️?

Duncan created the YogicArts™️ vinyasa system from his lifelong 30 years of yoga experience, as an interdisciplinary fusion of Yoga, Martial Arts, and Thai massage. The system was born from the desire to move through yoga positions with more ease and grace and to transcend any borders between disciplines, systems, and people. It is a heart-healing and mindful body practice and a living system that evolves each time people practice it together.

En gruppe mennesker i et klasserom eller studio, noen av dem sitter på gulvet i meditasjonsstilling, smiler, og holder hendene samlet som i bønnestilling. De ser ut til å delta i en yogatime eller lignende gruppeaktivitet.

What will you learn:

In these fun &explorative days with Duncan Sensei, you will learn more in-depth about:

● how to engage/activate your core for bandha with the Wave Motion technique

● learn alignment behind the pose

● understand sequencing with Warrior Flow (Vira Vinyasa Krama)

● learn how to do arm balancing with the Slide Press technique

● learn how to release body tension with simple self assists and Thai massage

Duncan will teach several options for each posture and movement that will allow beginner-level practitioners to join in and benefit from the practice, and experienced practitioners and teachers will learn how to provide variations of poses for their students while increasing their skill set.

In the alignment assist part of the workshops, you will learn how alignment and structure are the key components to opening joint mobility and activating the supporting core muscles. As a result of alignment, we get a stable and comfortable posture and practice, which is a natural flow state, called Sthirah Sukham Asanam (Secure Happy Pose). In the assist part of the class, you will learn how to best support your students in their alignment and meet them where they are.

Mann utfører en yogaposisjon på en smal gangvei, iført sorte tights, med bar overkropp. Han står på ett ben med det andre benet bøyd, armene krysset bak ryggen.
Mann utfører en yoga- eller tøyeøvelse i en utendørs gangvei. Han er bar overkropp og bærer sorte leggings. Hendene er samlet bak ryggen, og han lener seg forover med bena i bred posisjon.
En mann i svart treningstøy og bar overkropp utfører en balansepose på et utendørs sted, muligens i en urban setting.

Brief Content Category Descriptions

Training Camp

Detailed Technique Explained (Good for Serious Students & Teaching Improvement). Includes a Warrior Flow Practice that Targets the Topic.

Flow Session

Pure Sweaty Flow Goodness (Good for People who Seriously like to Sweat & Learn). The Flow will Target the Same Topics as the Training Camp.

Warrior Flow (Vira Vinyasa)

Warrior Flow (Vira Vinyasa): is a yoga sequence that consists of 07 archetypal virabhadra &bodhisattva stances, which are done in a certain order, that gives access to deeper layers of strength and mobility, which then awakens the body into higher energetic levels.

Learn Smart + Safe Yogic Flow Mini Sequences that awaken your creative nature; drawing from modern dance, martial arts, vinyasa yoga, and pilates floor work. Each choreographed set is limited to a targeted muscle group and related counter pose, with a healthy inner heat linking motion, making each flow memorable and easy to repeat and practice or share (teach) again.

P.Y.T. (ProYogaTherapy)

These one-to-one master assists provide a chance to receive Duncansense’s uniquely deep yet safe bodywork assists with the added option to take advantage of the waiting time during the one-to-one assists by trying some of the adjustments and techniques via watch & learn partner work.

Duncan will instruct the precise techniques as needed!

Full P.Y.T. private sessions can be booked with D Sensei through the host.

Menn utfører en yogaøvelse i et treningsstudio. En person står bak en annen og hjelper til med poseringen. Flere personer sitter i bakgrunnen.
En person får instruksjoner mens han sitter i en meditasjonsstilling på en yogamatte. En instruktør står bak og hjelper. Flere personer er i bakgrunnen, også i yogarelaterte posisjoner.
En mann hjelper en kvinne med en avansert yoga-stilling i et yogastudio. Det er flere mennesker i bakgrunnen, inkludert en som sitter med en ansiktsmaske. Teksten "do what you love!" er nederst på bildet. Rommet har planter og mye naturlig lys.

About Duncan

Personer som praktiserer yoga i en gruppeøkt.
Forsiden av magasinet "Yoga Journal" med en mann i yogastilling. Tekst omhandler temaer som "Power Yoga", "Kriya Cleansing Techniques" og "Native Americans and the New Age".

Born into a family of mystics, scholars, and artists, Duncan began a life of movement in a dojo at age seven; a path that led him into the ring and becoming a champion fighter, but after years of training in combat and competing he realized he needed to heal and find balance in his life through that small measure of peace we all seek. This insight prompted him to make a trip to India where he wandered the land meeting and practicing with great yogis and mystics. After returning from India to his hometown in California, he continued a decade of training with a Buddhist warrior-monk in his temple dojo, where he synthesized his warrior yoga with fresh eyes and YogicArts™️ was born. He then went on to study for another decade under the warm guidance of his yoga mama, Shannon Gannon in New York City at the time when yoga became popular culture and allowed him to travel the world on a ‘pilgrimage of service’ that spanned three decades and continues today.

After a lifetime of training and teaching countless yogis, athletes, dancers, celebrated performers & top designers in the healing fields, he became known as the father of Warrior Yoga; a practicing path of healing, empowerment, and self-expression.

Fun fact, Duncan was the first man on the cover of the Yoga Journal magazine in January, 1995; the issue that launched the Ashtanga Wave around the world.