Northern Light Academy Presenterer

Integral Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

Ønsker du å fordype deg i en autentisk, helhetlig og kraftfull yogaform?

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Registration for the Upcoming Education is open:

1. Module Origin and Basis, October 10.-12. 2025

2. Module Golden Link, November 7.-9. 2025 

3. Module Sadhana, December 5.-7.2025 

4. Module Being Human, January 9.-11. 2026 

5. Module Our Body a Temple, February 6.-8. 2026

6. Module Attitude of Altitude, March 6.-8. 2026 

7. Module Mind and Meditation, April 10.-12. 2026 

8. Module Wisdom and Authority, Mai 8.-10. 2026

9. Samling Mystery and Mastery, June 5.-9. 2026

Ashram Experience and Yoga Immersion

En gruppe mennesker står på rekke og gir tommel opp, iført lyse yogaklær. Teksten "KYTT Northern Light Yoga Academy" vises foran dem.

Use our discount 10% off

Personer deltaker i en yogaøkt i et rom med tregulv og lyse vegger, sett bakfra. Deltakere har armene hevet.
En gruppe mennesker som sitter sammen utendørs foran en bygning med rød og gul trim. De ser glade ut og det er flere personer med lange hår. Bygningen har en stor rød dør og vinduer. Gruppen sitter på en trapp med grus foran seg.

The education is Hybrid. You can join up to 50 % Online.

In case you miss a module you are welcome to retake it in the following year.

Click here for more information & Registration Form

Discount Available Until May 30

En gruppe mennesker poserer med diplomer.
En gruppe mennesker som står i en sirkel med lukkede øyne, mens de løfter hendene opp i en mediterende eller bønnlignende posisjon. De er omgitt av et lyst bakgrunn.
To personer som står ved siden av et tre i en skog, med lukkede øyne og smilende ansikter, antydende til naturnærhet og ro.
Person utendørs som praktiserer meditasjon, lukket øynene, hånd på brystet, smilende, omgitt av natur.

Testimonials from our Students:

"The structure of the modules made it easy to integrate Kundalini Yoga into my daily life. The teachers provided incredible guidance, and the retreat experience was deeply healing. I now feel more connected to myself and my purpose.”

"From day one, I felt supported and guided in a way that helped me grow both as a yogi and as a person. The blend of philosophy, meditation, and physical practice was perfectly balanced, making this one of the best investments in my personal growth."

Please scroll down to hear more testimonials about this training.

Integral Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

Are you looking for a complete, authentic and powerful form of yoga? Then this Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training is for you! The training is designed to enhance your yogic knowledge and experience and provide you with the proper theory, practice and competence needed to become a professional yoga teacher. Whether you want to become a certified teacher or expand your practice and experience of kundalini yoga, this training invites you into a deep and transforming process.

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training is open to those interested in a healthy and conscious lifestyle. However, we recommend having some experience with kundalini yoga before starting the training.

Velkommen hjem til deg selv.

What to expect

The teacher training will thoroughly introduce kundalini yoga and the skills, confidence and awareness necessary to teach in different settings. It will also take you on a journey of self-development and transformation, where you can explore your inner resources and reach your highest potential. The training will help you develop a conscious lifestyle and a sense of community with the other students and teachers and connect with local and international teachers.

In this training, you will get the following

  • A thorough introduction to Kundalini yoga and meditation

  • The opportunity to go deep and integrate a yogic lifestyle and practice into your everyday life

  • Guidance and experience in leading kundalini yoga group classes

  • First-hand experience with Kundalini Yoga as a holistic, therapeutic and transformative tool for increased health, awareness and balance

  • Practical and theoretical knowledge to become a skilled and professional yoga teacher

We offer a weekend-based education over an entire year, with an average of 4-6 weeks between the eight modules. This education can be combined with work or school.

We have chosen to keep the training to 1 year so that not too much time passes between each gathering. This helps us to get to know each other, creating a sense of community and a powerful group consciousness that will help provide you with a supportive and inspiring learning situation. It will also be easier to soak up and integrate the material, giving you a solid foundation for a yogic lifestyle. This way, we stay connected to the process and avoid falling into old habits between modules.

The education is 200 hours+ and certified by KRI (Kundalini Yoga Research Institute). Out of the 200 hours, a minimum of 20 hours of self-study is required.

Study groups
During this education, you will work in study groups with one obligatory meeting between the gatherings for sharing and practice. Group homework will help you to integrate the teaching material and contribute constructively to the education.

Ashram experience and yoga immersion
We practice a conscious yogic lifestyle for five days in a remote retreat in Norway, including yogic vegetarian cooking, healing, treatment methods, and chanting. One full day will be dedicated to deep meditation as a substitute for White Tantra. Ultimately, we will conduct the final exam and a graduation ceremony. 
Read more here

“ Kundalini is given different names in different spiritual traditions – Holy Spirit, Chi, Sophia, N´um, Saraswati, Tara, Prajjamaparamita, bodhicitta, and many more - but the power of grace, revelation, and transformation to which these terms point is one and the same. Each language has its name for gold, but gold is always the same substance. All spiritual traditions speak about the power beyond the mind that draws one through the profound process of transformation and revelation to the very source of the highest wisdom and boundless love. That power , in the Yogic tradition, is known as Kundalini. ”

- Edward Lawrence PhD

Anand Raj and Salila Gyanjot are the principal teachers in this training and will provide you with follow-ups through one-on-one consultations at gatherings or through Zoom, phone or email. It is also possible to order a consultation with one of our guest teachers during specific modules. We will do our best to support your journey, process and road toward becoming a teacher!


Integral Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

Dates for 2025-26 Oslo

1. Module

Origin and Basis 

October 10.-12. 2025

Friday & Saturday
Introduction: What is a Kundalini yoga teacher, and what is the golden chain?

 Householders Dharma, Adi Mantra, Bhakti –Identity of a Teacher Part 1
Administration: Requirements, timeline, how to structure your education

Sound and Mantra Part 1: Aquarian Mantras, Pronunciation, Rhythm, Projection 

2. Module

Golden Link

November 7.-9. 2025
 Friday & Saturday
Sound and mantra Part 2, Technology,
variety of Mantras, Jap Ji, Anahat,
Quantum Technology, Shabad Guru, 4 Yugas,
Sadhana - How to build up your personal Sadhana, Aquarian Sadhana

Lifestyle Part 1, Daily routines, Diets  

3. Module

Sadhana - Spiritual Discipline

December 5.-7.2025

 Friday & Saturday 
Yogic Lifestyle Part 2
Aquarian Age, 7 Steps of Happiness,
Addiction, and Yoga

Humanology Cycle of life, faith or destiny, Communication, Success 

4. Module

Being Human

January 9.-11. 2026

Friday & Saturday
Humanology Yogic Relationships,

Humanology / Yogic Anatomy/ Philosophy,
7 Chakras, 5 Tattwas, 3 Gunas 

5. Module

Our Body a Temple

February 6.-8. 2026

 Friday & Saturday
Anatomy Presentation of the groups,
discussions, question answers

Yogic anatomy - Kundalini rising leads to
Bandhas and Asaanas

6. Module

Attitude of Altitude

March 6.-8. 2026
Friday & Saturday
How to teach Yogic Postures, Asanas,
an Attitude of living

Asana/ Pranayama/Meditation - Breathing
the Sat Nam, posture for meditation  

7. Module

Mind and Meditation

April 10.-12. 2026

Friday & Saturday
Mind and Meditation, Three minds, Role-play

Mind and Meditation, Philosophy,
History of Yoga, The cycle of the intellect, meditations, Patanjali 8 stages of yoga
controlling the mind leading to Samadhi

8. Module

Wisdom and Authority

Mai 8.-10. 2026

Friday & Saturday
Philosophy Law of Manifestation,
Patanjali – Tattwas – Code of Ethics,
Roles and Responsibilities,
The Identity of a Teacher

Roles and responsibilities inside
and outside of the classroom 

9. Samling

Mystery and Mastery

Ashram Experience and Yoga Immersion

 June 5.-9. 2026

Ten Spiritual Bodies; and Applied Science of Spiritual Numerology,

Vision finding, Building a living community - Sanghat,  Day of Meditation

Examen, Certification Ceremony
sign ups and info HERE

Certification Celebration in Autumn 2026


17:00  - 20:00

06:00 - 08:30 Sadhana
09:30 -  12:30 Undervisning 
14:00 – 18:00 Undervisning

06:00 - 08:30 Sadhana 
09:30 - 13:00  Undervisning
14:00 - 16:00 Undervisning


44 000 NOK paid in 4 deposits, an 11 000 first deposit counts as the registration fee.

This includes a teaching fee, certification fee, one-year membership in the IKYTA (International Kundalini Yoga Teacher Association), training manual, tea and snacks during the education.

In addition, the costs of the Ashram experience at the end of the education ca. 6 800 NOK, including food and accommodation. To be booked separately.


The training will be held at Northern Light Yoga, an idyllic and spacious
yoga studio in the heart of Oslo in Rosenborggata 9A.

Tune in with us

Get a taste of why Kundalini Yoga is so unique from other forms of yoga, with lead trainer Anand Raj Schaible.

1. The Adi-Mantra: Why and how we tune in for our Yogic practice in Kundalini Yoga.

2. The complete Adi-Mantra for individual meditation. A kundalini Yoga Meditation to find guidance in difficult times, to move from darkness to light.

Kundalini Yoga blir kalt "yogaen for bevissthet" og er en gammel og vel-utprøvd form for yoga. Denne yoga-tradisjonen byr på et skattekammer fullt av effektive og terapeutiske øvelser og metoder. Opplev en annerledes og spennende yogaform hvor du i tillegg til fysisk trening får erfare økt mental og psykisk helse, samt utvikle en dypere kontakt med din ubegrensede bevissthet, intuisjon og livskraft!

Meet the founders and main teachers.

The main teachers are Anandraj & Salila Gyanjot, the founders of the school of Kundalini Yoga and the Northern Light Yoga Center. We also collaborate with a unique and strong teaching team consisting of skilled, experienced, and renowned Teacher Trainers, each specializing in their own field.

Salila Gyanjot and Anand Raj at the Kundalini Yoga Academy are passionately dedicated to sharing the teachings of Kundalini Yoga and the well-proven yogic methods practiced within this tradition. We aim to inspire you to unfold your potential and live your life soulfully!

Salila GyanjotSalila Gyanjot er KRI Sertifisert Kundalini Yoga lærer og Teacher Trainer. Hun underviser med lidenskap og entusiasme og hennes timer bærer preg av dyp forståelse, sensitivitet og lekenhet.Hun er grunnlegger av Northern Light Academy i…

Salila Gyanjot

Salila Gyanjot is a KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga teacher and Teacher Trainer. She teaches with passion and enthusiasm, and her classes are characterized by a deep understanding, sensitivity, and playfulness.

She is the founder of the Northern Light Academy in Oslo and organizes the Teacher Training in Kundalini Yoga along with her husband, AnandRaj. Gyanjot has specialized in the psychological and medical healing properties of Kundalini Yoga, Shakti Dance, Karam Kriya, yoga for pregnant women, women, and children. With her half-Indian background and a foundation in modern and contemporary dance, Gyanjot was introduced to various forms of yoga, mindfulness, and movement early in her life.

She has taught at several yoga and fitness centers, companies, and health-related businesses, both in Norway and internationally. Her experience shows that the wisdom and practice of Kundalini Yoga fulfill a need for many people and enrich individuals in the increasingly intense times we live in. She has a passionate heart for sharing how Kundalini Yoga can contribute to increased quality of life, joy, and balance, both physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually!

Anand Raj SchaibleANAND RAJ J. SCHAIBLE is a yoga teacher with heart and soul. To him Yoga is meant to unfold our creative potential so that we are able to face our true destiny. Together with his partner Salila Gyanjot he is the founding director of Kundalini Yoga Skolen and Northern Light Yoga in Oslo. After exploring Chinese martial arts, Anand Raj took up his studies of yoga in India in 1999 and has, since then, immersed himself in the science of Kundalini Yoga with all its various aspects. He is a KRI Certified Kundalini Lead Teacher Trainer. Anand Raj's background as musician, artist and psychotherapist gives depth and playfulness to his approach to yoga, while his dedication to sacred numerology allows a universal spiritual wisdom to shine through his teachings.

Anand Raj Schaible

ANAND RAJ J. SCHAIBLE is a yoga teacher with heart and soul. To him Yoga is meant to unfold our creative potential so that we are able to face our true destiny. Together with his partner Salila Gyanjot he is the founding director of Kundalini Yoga Skolen and Northern Light Yoga in Oslo. After exploring Chinese martial arts, Anand Raj took up his studies of yoga in India in 1999 and has, since then, immersed himself in the science of Kundalini Yoga with all its various aspects. He is a KRI Certified Kundalini Lead Teacher Trainer. Anand Raj's background as musician, artist and psychotherapist gives depth and playfulness to his approach to yoga, while his dedication to sacred numerology allows a universal spiritual wisdom to shine through his teachings.

Origins and Codex

Kundalini is an ancient term describing the unfolding of the life force as such.
Kundalini Yoga is a systematic method that supports this process. It is a timeless experience and an ancient technology practised mostly secretly in different cultures and traditions. Yogi Bhajan has brought these techniques into focus and shared them through a format that makes them accessible and safe for Western practitioners. His slogan was: “I am not here to gather students but to create teachers" and “If you want to know something, read it. If you're going to understand it, write about it and if you're going to master it, teach it.“


Integral because the kundalini is a mystical power, the life force integral to every living being. It cannot be given to you because it is you at your best. Integral because the integrity of our students is our highest value. We respect the different paths of life and are committed to supporting every student in his/her process; to help you on your journey from where you are at the moment. Putting the integrity of the student above all means that everything we teach is an open sharing of ancient — as well as modern — technology that needs to be validated through your own experience. We don’t oppose any dogma or religious belief. Integral because kundalini yoga, in the way we teach and practice it, is meant to be integrated into your daily life so that you can live and unfold your potential in your life and context. Kundalini yoga is a raj yoga, a royal yoga. You don’t escape life and society, but kundalini yoga technology will help you integrate yourself and unfold your full potential. The mastering of life itself becomes yoga.

Integral because in the structure of our education, we integrate the latest scientific research, the latest revelation about the history of kundalini yoga traditions, the philosophical approach from other yogic traditions, modern psychology and open dialogue with our students.

We are committed to delivering the ancient teachings of Kundalini Yoga in the most authentic and updated way possible. Due to the recently uncovered scandals from the early days of the 3HO movement, we must inform our students about the controversial figure of its founder, Yogi Bhajan. To ensure that the training is not centred on his personality, we invite a team of interdisciplinary teachers who delivers the teachings on the background of the latest research on the history of yoga that is going hand in hand with the latest scientific research that gives proof to the health benefits of yoga and meditation. We will not promote specific religious beliefs or oppose dress codes or lifestyles. We understand yoga as a science to liberate and empower the individual and are dedicated to sharing this technology that can be found and applied in all areas of life. The content of some topics will be refined to make the teachings adaptable to the time and society we live in, explicitly the understanding of gender roles, so we can constructively contribute to an inclusive society. Additional modules will deepen your understanding of yogic philosophy and history, western and subtle anatomy, foundations in hatha yoga, sound healing and gong playing, and working with meridians and the five elements.

Kundalini Yoga Skolen (and Northern Light Yoga) strive to create a safe environment for the practice and study of yogic and therapeutic methods that can provide healing and personal growth. We consider human rights as a common ground and the yogic methods as a means to raise our awareness and sensitivity, to establish these values within all areas of society. To us, yoga is as sacred as the inherent dignity and the equal rights of all members of the human family and the respect for all life as the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. The great benefits we have received from kundalini yoga and the positive transformation we can observe in our students inspire us to continue sharing this technology. At the same time, we continuously deepen our study and understanding.



The training will be taught in English and/or Norwegian. Translation in The literature is in English only, but home assignments can be done in Norwegian.


44.000 kr fordelt på 4 delbetalinger eller 
39.600 kr når hele summen betales ved påmelding.


Send an e-mail to receive the registration form

For detailed course description,  certification requirements  and  application  form send us an e-mail.


Explore how some of our students have integrated the education into their live


Send an e-mail or just give us a call

TLF. 922 14 004

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