• Salila Gyanjot

    Eier og adm. direktør ved Northern Light Yoga og Kundalini Yoga Skolen. Kundalinin Yoga Lærer, Teacher Trainer, Shakti Dans lærer, Yogaterapeut.

    Salila Gyanjot er KRI Sertifisert Kundalini Yoga lærer (level 1 og 2), Teacher Trainer og student av Shiv Charan Singh gjennom mange år. Hun underviser med lidenskap og entusiasme og hennes timer bærer preg av dyp forståelse, sensitivitet og lekenhet. Hun er grunnlegger av Kundalini Yoga Skolen i Oslo og organiserer Lærerutdanningen i Kundalini Yoga sammen med sin mann Anand Raj. Gyanjot har spesialisert seg i de psykologiske og medisinsk helende egenskapene ved Kundalini Yoga, Shakti Dans, Karam Kriya, yoga for gravide, kvinner og barn. Som halvt indisk og bakgrunn fra moderne og samtidsdans, ble Gyanjot introdusert til ulike former for yoga, bevissthet og bevegelse allerede tidlig i sitt liv. Hun har undervist ved flere ulike yoga og treningssentre, bedrifter og helserelaterte virksomheter, både i Norge og internasjonalt. Hennes erfaring er at Kundalini Yogas visdom og praksis fyller et behov hos mange, og beriker den enkelte i den stadig mer intense tiden vi lever i. Hun har et brennende hjerte for å formidle hvordan Kundalini Yoga kan bidra til økt livskvalitet, glede og balanse. Både fysisk, mentalt, emosjonelt og spirituelt!

  • AnandRaj / Jakob Schaible

    Eier og adm. direktør ved Northern Light Yoga og Northern Light Academy. Kundalini Yoga Lærer, Lead Teacher Trainer, Kunst & Uttryksterapeut, Gong lærer.

    AnandRaj er KRI Sertifisert Kundalini Yoga lærer (level 1 og 2), og Lead Teacher Trainer. Han er sammen med sin partner Salila Gyanjot grunnlegger av Northern Light Yoga og organiserer Lærerutdanningen i Kundalini Yoga.

    AnandRaj underviser med sjel og hjerte. For ham er Kundalini Yoga en yoga av kreativitet, noe du kan merke i hans konsentrerte og varierende timer. Han veileder deg gjennom kriya's og meditasjoner på en sensitiv og presis måte som gir dem mer dybde, forståelse og flyt. Som annerkjent kunstner, Kunstterapeut, Naad Yogi, Gong Lærer og Karam Kriya konsulent, integrerer han kontinuerlig ulike metoder i sin Kundalini Yoga undervisning.

    AnandRaj kommer opprinnelig fra Tyskland. Han startet sitt studie i India allerede i 2000 og har erfaring fra flere ulike former for yoga, bevissthetstrening og bevegelses disipliner. Han har utviklet en terapeutisk tilnærming til Yoga og har lang erfaring med undervisning i ulike kontekster og for ulike målgrupper både i Norge og internasjonalt.

  • Anne Karine Dybdahl

    Studio Manager ved Northern Light Yoga.

    Flow Arts lærer.

    RYT FlowArts, KunLun level 1-2-3, Reiki Master,

    Medisin grunnfag og ernæring.

    På begynnelsen av 90 tallet var jeg elev hos dyktige Peo & Parvati, hvor min interesse for yoga og meditasjon startet. På denne tiden trente jeg også kickboksing hos Wolfgang Wedde og var senere innom Jiu Jitsu. Min praksis har hjulpet meg og bli sterkere, merfleksibel og fryktløs.

    Kunnskapen til EQ gjennom kurs har gitt meg innsikt til virkelig å se smerte som energi, gi slipp og gi plass slik at utfordringer kan få flyte fritt igjennom å se at fremtiden er mine tanker jeg holder i nåtiden. I tillegg til utdanning i Medisin G.F, Ernæring, Reiki mester, KunLun energi arb. 1-2-3 og 250 TT utdanning i FlowArts.

    I mine timer har jeg fokus på at øvelsene vi gjør tilrettelegger for at kroppen skal finne tilbake til sin naturlige balanse. Praksisen innebærer helhetlig kontakt med det psykiske og det fysiske.

    Det er en dynamisk og leken time der vi finner en meditativ flyt gjennom pust og bevegelse.

  • Mats Onsum

    Yin Yoga & Vinyasa Yoga Lærer

    I 2011 ble Mats introdusert til yoga; en treningsform/vitenskap der hele mennesket var tatt i betraktning, og etter bare et par timer ble det klart at dette var noe han ville utforske videre. I 2014 gjennomførte han sin første 200-timers yogalærerutdanning. Mats har også fullført 50 timer med Yin Yoga, og 200 timer med Yogic Arts, og har med andre ord et bredt spekter av kunnskap å dele.

    Som lærer ønsker han å hjelpe mennesker med å utforske sitt eget vesen gjennom yoga. Å oppnå økt kroppsbevissthet, tilstedeværelse og kontakt med egen pust, og på den måten skape et solid fundament for utforsking av kropp, sinn og følelser - og koblingen mellom disse.

  • Ann Christin Fossum

    Kundalini Yoga Lærer

    Jeg oppdaget selv Kundalini Yogas effekt et sted i livet hvor jeg opplevde at døgnet ikke hadde tilstrekkelig med timer til å leve det livet jeg ville. Yogaen tok meg tilbake til meg selv og ledet meg i 2014 til å ta lærerutdanning hos Kundalini Yoga Skolen.

    Jeg ser at yoga kan hjelpe mange og det er med glede og takknemlighet at jeg vil dele det med deg!

    Ann Christin er en " naturlig yogi " og hennes timer passer for unge og gamle, erfarne og nybegynnere, trente og utrente såvel som menn og kvinner!

  • Aida Aad Roop Ayani 

    Kundalini yoga teacher, Movement & therapeutic Dance practices 

    Her classes are about transmitting the teachings in a pure way and creating a safe and loving container for the student to be able to go deep. She is devoted to the path of holistic living, a facilitator of healing and transformation, helping people develop self awareness to live life from a more connected place in alignment with their truth. Besides teaching yoga & meditation, she is a Birthkeeper - pre-natal, birth and postpartum caregiver, works with energy and sound healing,  guides Forest Baths (Eco-Forest Therapy) facilitates healing circles of various kinds, works with voice & devotional singing. She uses her long background in dance to guide therapeutic Movement and Dance practices such as  ‘MoveMeant Medicine’.

  • Kathy Haridev Latham

    Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Yoga Therapist, Sat Nam Rasayan practitioner and a trainer of teachers and yoga therapists.

    She teaches with warmth, clarity and joy, holding a subtle and transformative space. Yoga has helped her immensely and she teaches in order to share these benefits with others. She has experience teaching many different kinds of people and takes care to create a welcoming and inclusive yoga space. Her background in Sat Nam Rasayan, the healing modality of Kundalini Yoga, provides sensitivity and precision to her teaching.

    Haridev is originally from New York City, where she taught at Golden Bridge Yoga, and then became a founding teacher at JOY Yoga in London. An IAYT-certified yoga therapist, she is faculty on i-SKY’s Yoga Therapy Training. She is also part of the teacher training team at Northern Light. Haridev is an experienced gong player and further qualifications include Prenatal Yoga, YOGA for Youth, and Relax and Renew Restorative Yoga.

  • Kristina Manpriya

    Hatha og Kundalini yoga lærer. Terapeut.

    Kristina Manpriya har alltid vært glad i dans og trening. Hun oppdaget yoga i 2011 da hun av helsemessige årsaker ikke lenger tålte hard trening, og i møte med Hatha og Kundalini Yoga fant hun veien tilbake til balanse.

    Kristina brenner for å bidra til at folk lytter mer innover i seg selv, oppdager sin verdi som den man er og finner mot til å være mer ekte i sitt liv. Derfra kan medfødte gaver blomstre og bli brukt som et bidrag til verden, uten så mye strev. Kristina jobber også som én-til-én terapeut i Northern Light sine lokaler, og bruker samtale, visualisering og terapeutisk massasje som teknikker for å hjelpe deg å opprette en dypere kontakt innover og omprogrammere det som begrenser deg slik at du finner tilbake til indre ro og kan leve det livet du elsker. Med bakgrunn som bioingeniør og molekylærbiolog er hun også opptatt av optimal funksjon av kroppens indre systemer gjennom tilstrekkelig balanse mellom ro og fysisk bevegelse samt riktig type ernæring.

  • Ina Winter Andersen

    Healer, Reiki Master and teacher, Certified Breathwork facilitator, and Kundalini yoga and embodied yin yoga teacher .

    Ina is a natural healing facilitator, working on bridging science and spirituality to experience life from a more connected place, and to access our own innate ability to naturally heal. She holds space, whether you need support on a physical, psychological or spiritual matter. As a complementary treatment for wellness and healing, or as your guide in self-development and transformation and awakening. She also focuses on accessing creativity, intuition, and finding your true voice. Her methods are simple and grounded but her allies are powerful, as she works closely with guides and channels spirit through her heart, hands, and words when holding space.

  • Amadou

    Strength and Fitness; Handstand & Balance; Joint Mobility; Flexibility

    Amadou is a dedicated yoga and movement teacher with a deep-rooted passion for the interplay between body and mind. With over 15 years of experience across a range of movement disciplines and martial arts, and 500 hours of RYT training from Nepal, his teachings offer a unique blend of physical practice and inner exploration.

    Amadou is driven by the belief that true healing comes from within, and that aligning the body through mindful movement can release deep-seated tensions and traumas. By focusing on posture and creating space for the muscles to relax, he opens the door for students to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and inner work.

    His classes are centered around building a strong, functional body and maintaining healthy joints that allow for a lifetime of playful movement. More than just physical training, Amadou's approach is about reminding us of our true nature as energetic beings, guiding us to move through life with greater awareness, balance, and freedom.

  • Barabás Anita

    Pilates; Barre Pilates

    Suitable for beginners and experienced participants alike.

     I started ballet at the age of four and have been professionally involved in contemporary dance for fifteen years. After graduating, I entered the theatrical world, initially as a dancer and eventually became a member of several contemporary companies.

    As a professional dancer, I started taking Ashatanga yoga classes in 2011 to improve my flexibility. Quickly, I began to experience the profound healing effects of yoga.

    Through consistent practice, I discovered that it facilitated a harmonious balance between my body and soul.

    Since 2019, I have been sharing my passion for yoga, dance and pilates by teaching both group and private classes to individuals of all ages, including children and adults.

    It brings me immense gratitude to guide diverse individuals through the enriching world of movements.

  • Maoting Lu

    Mindful Tea Ceremonies; Vinyasa & Aligned Yoga; Pilates; Strech and Relax

    Maoting prioritizes the harmony of flexible and powerful asanas, emphasizing alignment and mindfulness in her practice. She holds the belief that cultivating mindfulness in the physical body can serve as a gateway to spiritual awakening, fostering a reciprocal relationship that enhances both physical and mental well-being. This, in turn, establishes a positive cycle of harmony between body and mind. Expanding her mindful practices, Maoting has incorporated the art of tea into her repertoire. Through hosting mindful tea ceremonies, she employs tea as a medium to engage the senses of taste and smell. Delving into variables such as temperature, quantity, and mood, she seeks to bring awareness to different facets of life.

  • Rory Hynes

    Rory Hynes

    Ashtanga Yoga Teacher

    Rory Hynes brings over 12 years of experience practicing and teaching yoga worldwide, including in Ireland, Costa Rica, Vienna, and now Norway. His teaching focuses on creating a space where students can explore the subtleties of their yoga practice and deepen their connection to mind and body.

    Teaching Experience
    Rory has taught extensively at leading yoga studios, offering a range of classes from beginner-friendly to Mysore-style Ashtanga and philosophy workshops.

    Education & Training
    200-Hour Teacher Training: With Alexander Medin, specializing in Ashtanga, Pranayama, Sanskrit Chanting, and Philosophy (2021).
    500-Hour Intensive Course: With Mariela Cruz, focusing on Ashtanga Yoga (2015).
    BA (Hons) in Outdoor Sports Pedagogy: ATU Mayo (2019).
    Additional Training: Anatomy, yoga adjustments, Vedic chanting, and the history and philosophy of yoga.
    Teaching Style
    Rory’s approach emphasizes mindfulness, alignment, and individual growth, with a strong foundation in traditional Ashtanga techniques. His classes are engaging and accessible, fostering both physical strength and mental clarity.

    Beyond Yoga
    Outside the studio, Rory is a qualified raft, kayak, and mountain guide, further reflecting his deep connection to movement and nature.

    Join Rory for transformative classes that blend tradition, insight, and a passion for yoga.

  • Sofia Farrah

    Sofia Farrah

    Sofia brings a wealth of experience and passion for movement to her classes, blending strength, flexibility, and confidence-building in a supportive and inclusive environment.

    Teaching Experience
    Sofia began her teaching journey as a ballet instructor at the young age of 12. Over the years, she expanded her expertise to include Pilates, barre, and body conditioning. With a deep understanding of biomechanics and movement pedagogy, Sofia is dedicated to helping her students achieve their goals through mindful, effective practices.

    Professional Education

    Professional dance training at Alonzo King LINES Ballet
    Pilates certification under Teri Steele in New York
    Extensive teaching experience at renowned studios across Norway,

    Teaching Style
    Sofia is committed to fostering an inclusive and encouraging atmosphere in her classes. Whether teaching Pilates Fusion, Barre Flow, or general movement classes, she focuses on creating engaging, dynamic, and empowering sessions that support each participant’s growth and well-being.

    Join Sofia for a transformative experience that strengthens both body and mind!

  • Massimo Barberi

    Classic Yoga and Yin Yoga

    MASSIMO BARBERI has been practicing yoga since 1991, he has been working as a professional yoga teacher for 25 years (in Italy and in Norway). He studied the Indian philosophies and the Yoga traditions both academically (during his studies at the Superior Institute of Religions Studies in Trento, Italy), and practically, learning the traditional Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga and Tantra Yoga under the teaching of Indian swamis (traditional Shaiva yoga monks) and participating to the Yoga Educators trainings of the institute AMAYE in Sweden and Germany (more than 500 hours). In 2011 he also became a certified Ayurveda therapist with the European Institute of Ayurveda (London) and later a Yin Yoga instructor and a trauma-informed yoga instructor.

    He is recognized and registered as a Yoga-Elder by the International Independent Yoga Network (more than 10.000 hours of teaching).

    He is the author of the books Inside Yoga and Symbiosis and of various albums of yoga-music.ga and Yin Yoga

  • Maxine Blystad-Collins

    Alongside her Asthanga yoga, Kundalini yoga and Yoga for kids/teenager teacher certifications she is a certified Meditation teacher, Silva method instructor, Tantra teacher, NLP practitioner, Mental Trener and Integrative nutritionist and lifestyle coach. She teaches powerful Kundalini yoga classes and Womens workshops where she combines yoga, breathwork, mantra and meditation with Tantra, dance, self hypnosis and self healing. Her aim is to empower and teach individuals to master their minds & hearts, find their spark of life and to make the right choices in order to maintain their unique capacity of health and vitality.

  • Anja Sletteland

    Kundalini – Yin – Pilates – Vinyasa

    Anja holder kreative og minneverdige klasser med inspirasjon fra ulike yogatradisjoner. Som lærer er hun opptatt av å gi elevene redskaper for å komme dypere inn i sin egen praksis.

    Anjas klasser er fokuserte og målrettede. Hun tar gjerne utgangspunkt i et energetisk eller anatomisk prinsipp som former både innholdet i klassen og måten hun underviser på. Målet er å gi elevene rom til å oppdage noe nytt hver gang og utvikle sin egen kroppsbevissthet gjennom asanas, pranayama og varierte bevegelsesmønstre.

    Anja har praktisert yoga i omtrent tjue år, og har sertifisering innen vinyasa yoga (200H), kundalini yoga (200H) og pranayama (70H). Hun har også drevet med brasiliansk jiu-jitsu, pilates og klatring, men hun er først og fremst en nerd. Med over femten års undervisningserfaring fra høyere utdanning og kursvirksomhet, er hun interessert i å prøve ut stadig nye måter å omsette teori til praksis.

  • Hanne Skagen

    Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Astrologer and Naturopath Academic background combining of Cosmology (MA) and Sociology (BA)

    In the continuous process of searching and learning, Hanne came across the technological and sacred science, Kundalini yoga in 2019. She became dedicated from day one, and graduated from Teacher Training at Northern Light Academy in 2021.

    Her background within social and classical sciences such as Greek philosophy, mythology and naturopathy, serve as a basis for her holistic approach and understanding. By natural remedies, yoga and astrology, she embraces mind, body and soul for optimal solutions in harmony with cosmic rhythms. Her yoga classes are influenced by a holistic and cyclical view, based on the moon phases. Acting as a guide with the intention of using the quality of time for embracing and uplifting our whole being.

  • Alla Fironova

    Alla is a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, focusing on the heart-healing practices. She has been a practitioner of various yoga forms since 2006, but it was in 2019 that she truly found her calling in Kundalini Yoga.

    This practice has been transformative for Alla, offering profound healing and insight over the years. She aims to create a healing and inclusive space for others. She also raises awareness about mental health, promoting the importance of support and compassion. Her teaching is inspired by the beauty of nature, the mysteries of the cosmos, and human beings’ terrestrial journeys.

    Alla's classes are a reflection of her belief in the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, guiding students toward a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

  • Gry Jebsen

    Gry Jebsen

    Gry combines years of experience and a diverse educational background to offer classes that nurture the body and mind. Her classes are a dynamic mix of functional movement and alignment, often focusing on key areas like hips, shoulders, and core muscles. In her she sessions incorporate use of massage balls for targeted fascia work.

    Gry’s extensive training includes:

    Slings Myofascial Training (Art of Motion, 2-year program) rooted in contemporary Pilates with a focus on fascia.
    Meditation Teacher Training with Justin Michael Williams and the Dream Bigger Foundation.
    Pilates for Yogis Certificate through Yoga International.
    1,000-hour Yoga Therapy Certification (3-year modular training in India).
    Training Therapist Certification through YogaLiving.dk, specializing in effective alignment to correct injuries.
    RYT 500 – YogaWorks graduate, blending multiple yoga styles.
    Yoga Wheel Teacher Certificate with Rachel Wamos.
    200-hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training.
    With a passion for functional movement, therapeutic alignment, and mindful practices, Gry’s offerings cater to anyone seeking to build strength, release tension, and move with greater ease and awareness.

  • Cristina Lokoen

    Kundalini og Yin Yoga lærer. Reikimester.

    Cristina fant veien inn i yogaens fantastiske verden for første gang i 2001, og dette var starten på en lang og fascinerende reise uten ende. En reise med mye ny kunnskap og selvoppdagelse gjennom yoga og henne selv.

    For Cristina har yoga vært, og vil alltid være, hennes trygge havn. Yoga har vært verktøyet som lærte henne hvordan å finne igjen kontakten med seg selv og hvordan opprettholde den.

    Cristina har praktisert yoga i mange år, og i 2018 fullførte hun sin yogalærerutdanning i Kundalini Yoga nivå 1 ved Northern Light Yoga-skolen. Senere fullførte hun sin Yin Yoga-sertifisering.

    Gjennom mange år har Cristina fullført de forskjellige nivåene i Reiki-utdannelsen (healingteknikk). Denne teknikken har også betydd mye for henne gjennom årene, og i 2021 ble hun Reikimester.

    I Cristinas klasser er målet å øke elevenes bevissthet rundt viktigheten av å puste, lytte, sanse, føle og være til stede (her og nå) i praksisen, da dette igjen vil tjene dem i dagliglivet.

  • Sofia

    Yin - Kundalini - Flow yoga. 

    Certified Moonmother level 2,  California and Bach flowers system Therapist, Shiatsu therapist 

    Sofia ( Jhod Akaal ) is a dedicated Yin Yoga teacher with a passion for guiding students toward inner calm, balance, and deep self-awareness. 

    My journey with Yoga began in 2010, and ever since, I been committed to helping others unlock the profound physical and emotional benefits this practices offers.

    Yin Yoga is more than a physical exercise; it’s an invitation to slow down, breathe deeply, and connect with oneself in a meaningful way. My classes are designed to create a safe, welcoming space where you can cultivate patience, let go of tension, and experience the gentle yet powerful effects of each posture. Through prolonged holds and mindful breathing, we work together to open the body, release stress, and nurture a deep sense of relaxation and clarity. As we turn down the volume on external noise, we invite the healing power of presence. Healing begins by feeling.

    I believe that each student has unique needs, and I approach my teaching with empathy, respect, and attentiveness to the individual journey of each person. My mission is to support you in discovering your own path to wellness, providing guidance that honors your boundaries and encourages self-compassion and resilience. Whether you're new to Yin Yoga or looking to deepen your practice, I am here to help you create a steady foundation for both mind and body.

    Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your wellness journey. I look forward to sharing the healing benefits of Yin Yoga with you.

  • Eli Vilanger

    Eli Vilanger

    Pilates and Barre Instructor, Dancer, and Dance Educator

    With over 20 years of experience as a Pilates instructor and expertise in teaching Barre classes, Elin Vilanger brings a rich background in movement and bodywork to her teaching.

    Eli is a highly trained dancer and dance educator, graduating from KHiO (Oslo National Academy of the Arts) with a degree in Dance Pedagogy in 2004 and a professional dancer’s education in 1992-1994. She has extensive teaching experience in yoga, Pilates, classical ballet, and modern dance both in Norway and abroad since 1992.

    Education Highlights
    Dance and Pedagogy: Statens Balletthøgskole (1989-1992), European Dance Development Center, Netherlands (1992-1994), KHiO Practical Pedagogical Education (2004-2005).
    Bodywork: IKYA Vibrapati Academy – Medical Vibrapati and Bodywork (2018-2023).
    Yoga and Pilates: Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Primary and Secondary Series (1989-2005), Pilates instructor education (2004-2005).

    Her broad expertise includes choreography, composition, anatomy, and pedagogy, making her classes comprehensive and deeply rooted in movement science and artistic expression.n goes here

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