Gong Training with Tor Arne Håve & Anand Raj
Gong Master Course with Anand Raj & Tor Arne Håve
Immerse yourself in the cosmos of healing vibrations and sound with Anand Raj and Tor Arne Håvne's Gong Master Course!
This comprehensive course consists of four modules that will equip you with the knowledge and skills to play various gongs and facilitate Gong meditations, Soundbaths, and Gong Ceremonies.
Our focus is on practical learning
Allowing you plenty opportunities to practice and receive feedback throughout the course. We understand that your personal growth and development is crucial, which is why we provide coaching and study groups to support you in your personal practice. Additionally, our main teachers will provide personal follow-up to ensure that you are progressing in your journey.
Don't worry if you don't have a Gong of your own!
We will guide you through synesthetic exercises that will teach you how to practice deep listening, focus, flow, and improvisation skills, which are essential for mastering the art of playing the Gong.
Join us on this transformative journey and discover the power of sound healing through the Gong Master Course.
Course dates
Module 1
Certified Introduction to the art of playing and
mastering the GONG
detailed description scroll down
21.-23. March 2025
Module 3
Gong Yoga and the Gong as a healing agent
for individual and group therapy
Dates will be announced
Module 2
Immersion into the art of playing the gong
for relaxation, meditation, yoga, and healing
Dates will be announced
Module 4
Mastering the Gong means accepting the Gong
as a Master on a path of self-mastery
Dates will be announced
Module 1: 3440,-
Full course: 12640,-
including tea and snacks
Friday (21.03)
17:00 – 19:30: Welcome, Introduction, History, and Context
Saturday (22.03)
10:00 – 12:30: Basic Techniques: "Me and the Gong" – Explore foundational techniques, personal connection with the gong, and its healing potential.
12:30 – 14:00: Lunch Break & Personal Coaching Sessions – Individual guidance to deepen your practice.
14:00 – 16:30: Group Practice & Personal Coaching – Collaborate with others in practical exercises and receive tailored support.
17:00 – 19:00: Gong Ceremony – Immerse yourself in the transformative power of sound through a guided gong ceremony.
Sunday (23.03)
10:00 – 12:00: Welcome & Introduction to Theory and Practice – Deepen your understanding of gong meditation through a blend of theory and practical application.
12:30 – 14:00: Lunch Break & Personal Coaching Sessions – Continue with individual coaching to refine your skills.
14:00 – 16:00: Group Practice & Personal Coaching – Strengthen your mastery through guided group practice and one-on-one coaching.
16:00 – 16:30: Closing Circle – Feedback and sharing session to reflect on your experiences and growth.
Module 1
Introduction to the art of playing and mastering the GONG
This is an introduction and an approach to one of the most magnificent instruments.
This course will give you insights into the history and variety of the GONG and its various use as a healing and meditation tool.
You will have the chance to explore and play several instruments yourself and receive guidance if you are interested in purchasing an instrument yourself.
You will receive a booklet about basic playing techniques and practical information.
We will teach you some of the basic playing technics of the gong as well as other overtone instruments that can be used for sound and gong bath ceremonies.
We are putting a strong emphasis on how you can take care of yourself as an instrument so become more receptive to the subtle vibration, and at the same time how you build up your nervous system so you are capable of holding the space for a group of people.
We will teach you meditations and Kundalini Yoga exercises that will help you to enter and maintain a meditative state of mind and expand your electromagnetic field.
The Highlight of the module is a Gong bath on Saturday in which you can experience the effect of different gongs and overtone instruments.
The attendance of this course can be approved and certified by Northern Light Yoga Academy and will count as the first module of the Gong Master Course.
Dates 21-23. March, 2025
Module 2
Immersion into the art of playing the gong for relaxation, meditation, yoga, and healing
From Suniee to Shunia, from deep listening to deep silence.
This two-day course will give you the chance to deepen your skills and practice the art of Gong playing.
You will be able to explore and play several instruments and you will learn through the direct feedback of the group to refine your skills. In this course, we focus on the mediative aspect of the Gong. We will practice intense yoga and meditation that can help you in your personal meditative practice and facilitate a meditative space for others.
The goal of this course is to give you very practical guidance and coaching so you can take your gong playing to another step and give yoga students and clients a deeper experience. You will learn to understand how the gong is playing you rather than try to play the gong. The Highlight of the course is Gong Meditation in which you can experience the powerful capacity that is within the gong to clear the subconsciousness and to allow an experience of deep meditation and clarity.
This course is open to everybody but addressed especially to dedicated practitioners.
The attendance of this course can be approved and certified by Northern Light Yoga Academy and will count as the second module of the Gong Master Course consisting of 4 modules.
During this course, we will form coaching and practicing groups that will lead to the third and fourth modules of the Gong Master Course.
Module 3
Gong Yoga and the Gong as a healing agent for individual and group therapy
In this course, we focus on playing the gong with a clear intention for a specific healing purpose.
This two-day course is meant for advanced practitioners and will give you the chance to deepen your skills and practice in the art of gong playing. You will be able to explore and play several instruments and you will learn through the direct feedback of the group to refine your skills.
We will explore ways to use the gong to support a yoga practice and different modalities of healing. This involves also activation of the 5th chakra exploring our own voice and our body as a resonance chamber.
The highlight of the module is a Sound healing session on Saturday.
Module 4
Mastering the Gong means accepting the Gong as a Master on a path of self-mastery
This two-day course is meant for advanced practitioners and will give you the chance to deepen your skills and practice in the art of gong playing.
During this two days we will bring what we have learned so far to conclusions by performing together a Gongbath and Sound journey. By this, you will learn about the practicalities of facilitating your own events. We will practice the ability to listen to each other while we interact and improvise with each other developing intuitive trust in the group and the process, accepting the Gong itself as a master. The Highlight of the course is a Gong Ceremony that we will conduct together on Sunday afternoon. Playing together as a group can be an initiation for you on your own path of self-mastery.
This course is open to everybody but addressed especially to dedicated practitioners.
The attendance of this course can be approved and certified by Northern Light Yoga Academy and will count as the fourth module of the Gong Master Course.
17:00 – 19:30: Welcome, Introduction, History, and Context
10:00 – 12:30: Basic Techniques: "Me and the Gong" – Explore foundational techniques, personal connection with the gong, and its healing potential.
12:30 – 14:00: Lunch Break & Personal Coaching Sessions – Individual guidance to deepen your practice.
14:00 – 16:30: Group Practice & Personal Coaching – Collaborate with others in practical exercises and receive tailored support.
17:00 – 19:00: Gong Ceremony – Immerse yourself in the transformative power of sound through a guided gong ceremony.
10:00 – 12:00: Welcome & Introduction to Theory and Practice – Deepen your understanding of gong meditation through a blend of theory and practical application.
12:30 – 14:00: Lunch Break & Personal Coaching Sessions – Continue with individual coaching to refine your skills.
14:00 – 16:00: Group Practice & Personal Coaching – Strengthen your mastery through guided group practice and one-on-one coaching.
16:00 – 16:30: Closing Circle – Feedback and sharing session to reflect on your experiences and growth.
Module 1: 3440,-
Full course: 12640,-
including tea and snacks
I’m ready to become a Gong Master
Meet the team
Anand Raj Schaible
Anand Raj J. Schaible is Kundalini Yoga Lead Trainer, Musician, and Psychotherapist. He is the founder and director of Northern Light Academy and Northern Light Yoga. Anand Raj has over 20 years of experience in the use of the Gong for healing and mediation.
Tor Arne Håve
Tor Arne Håve is a Gong master, sound artist, and yoga teacher with 11 years of experience in sound work, overtone singing, psychotherapy, and trauma work. He also has extensive training in Bioenergetics and is a certified Bioenergetic Analytical Instructor. He has worked with Methab Benton several times and has his first Gong training from Jimmy Andersson and Adam Svennson, following the line from Don Conreaux. He is also the founder of Universi AS - and the developer of GONG ON THE WAY ™, an international sound healing network now in 15 countries. He has also developed an independent free gong brand called NORSE GONGS ™, the sole distributor of Paiste planetary gongs in Norway.

Send as an e-mail or give us a call
TLF. 45785278
e-mail: info@northernlightyoga.no
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