Vedic Astrology with Arjun Chakraborty
Northern Light Yoga is happy to start a cooperation with one of the most outstanding Indian Astrologers of our days.
Arjun Chakraborty was born a Brahmin in Kolkata, India, where he first learned Vedic Astrology from his uncle and then went to study at the most prestigious academies in India. He works with both birth horoscopes and question horoscopes and is also trained in Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrology, which is the most accurate predictive astrology in the world.
He is currently the principal at the Institute of Astrological Science in India and teaches Vedic Astrology internationally.
This is the first of 4 courses, each will be certified by the Sealdah Institute of Astrological Science, an astrological institute that has existed in Kolkata, India since 1994.
The course will be held hybrid so you can join a maximum of 50% online or catch up by watching the recordings.
Brief history of Jyotisha
- Theory of Karma and Jyotisha
- Different branches of Jyotisha and their significance
- Some legendary texts on Jyotisha and their compilers
- Understanding of planets and zodiac signs
- Understandings of 12 houses used in Jyotisha
- How to create a correct birth horoscope with the help of good software
- Basic judgment of nature of the person
- Basic judgment of education and profession of a person
- Basic judgment of the personal life of a person
- Basic information about the planetary periods system (Vimshottari Dasa)
- Basic information about transits of planets
- Basic information about remedial methods or ‘Upayas’ in Jyotisha
- Information about Nakshatras or constellations
- Information about Navamsha Chakra
- A deeper information and practical examples of a study on the nature of the person
- A deeper information and practical examples of study on education and profession
- A deeper information and practical examples study on the personal life and children
- A special lesson on how to check synastry between two personal relation partners (not ancient technique only, but modern technique suitable for contemporary European society)
- Deeper study on the timing of events through planetary periods system and transit
- Deeper study on how to suggest remedial measures consisting of minerals, Yagyas, etc for clients with problems
Course 3
- Horary astrology or Prashna Jyotisha
- Nimitta Shastra or study of signs and sounds around us
- Birth time rectification
- Knowledge about various divisions of the zodiac signs
- Some knowledge about western aspects
- Knowledge about the sub-division of a nakshatra
- More studies on the timing of events
- Yogini Dasa system
- Matching of horoscopes of business partners
- Simplified Solar Return according to Indian style
- Curses or Family Karma problems and how to deal with them
- Special knowledge about some important mantras
Course 4
Medical Astrology (this can be done after the second course also)
- Planets, signs, houses, and their connection with Tattwas and Doshas of Ayurveda
- Planets and organs and systems of body connection.
- Houses and organs and systems of body connection.
- Zodiac signs and organs and systems of body connection.
- How to judge stress level and how it can affect health.
- Proneness to surgeries or traumas.
- Signs of hereditary health problems
- Family Karma curses causing health problems.
- When is a good time to do special treatments or surgeries
- Material and spiritual remedial measures for health according to Jyotisha Shastra.