Reclaiming Yoga's True Essence_ From Fitness Fad to Spiritual Discipline


Do you practice Yoga for the flexibility it affords you? For the physical strength that the postures offer? Do you see the practices as only a workout, much like lifting weights, HIIT, or cardio dance sessions?

In the Western world, yoga has become a fitness phenomenon. The concept has been packaged and marketed for so long as a way to improve flexibility, strength, and balance. Yoga Asanas have become less of an inward practice, and more of an outward show. How perfectly one holds a pose becomes the marker for their progress. By picking and building on only aspect of the vast science – mainly, the Asanas – much of the paradigm seems diluted and far removed from its roots.

How Yoga Has Become All About the ‘Physical’

With the global appeal that Yoga enjoys today, we see it increasingly becoming a well-loved practice all over the world. But, in what way? There seems to be a reductionist approach to it, where postural practice has become the main focus. What most people call Yoga – is it really all of it, or just a part? A complete spiritual discipline designed to unite body, mind, and soul, has now often been reduced to a fitness trend aimed at achieving the perfect body, or enhancing relaxation. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with physical fitness or greater levels of relaxation, Yoga goes beyond this.

We see around us countless wellness retreats, gyms, and fitness studios commonly offering branded versions of Yoga. They may emphasize the physical benefits while neglecting the broader philosophical and spiritual framework. It is a concerning fact that the West has turned tools of spiritual awakening into another commercial fad that focuses on perfect poses, profits, and even parties! Often, marketing strategies highlight novelty practices like “beer Yoga” or “goat Yoga” to make them more appealing and innovative. They conveniently put a spin on ancient traditional teachings and market it as their own. Sure, these practices may appeal to broader audiences, but they frequently stray far from the authentic teachings that form the foundation of Yoga.

Traditional Yoga: A Holistic Science

Eight limbs of traditional Ashtanga Yoga

To understand Yoga’s true essence, we need to look back at its origins. The ancient yogis didn't just practice physical postures (Asanas); they also explored the realms of meditation, breathwork (Pranayama), and philosophical inquiry. They saw the body as a temple, a vessel for the soul. They believed that by cultivating awareness and discipline, they could transcend the limitations of the physical world and experience a deeper sense of connection and unity.

This holistic viewpoint is what we aim to cultivate at Northern Light Yoga Studios. We strive to create a tranquil environment free from distractions, allowing students to fully focus on the practice and their inner awareness. We have a range of offerings that cover not only the physical practices, but also the spiritual foundations, drawing straight from the original teachings of the great Yogis.

The Ashtanga Yoga path, as described by Patanjali, comprises eight limbs designed to lead a saadhak (practitioner) toward spiritual liberation. The Asanas (postures) are only one of these eight limbs, serving to prepare the body for deeper practices of meditation and beyond.

The eight limbs, in order of their practice, are:

• Yamas (Moral Disciplines) – Ethical guideposts for our interactions with the outside world.

• Niyamas (Self Observances) – Pointers for inward practices or self-discipline, fostering inner peace and contentment.

• Asanas (Postures) – Physical postures designed to keep the body healthy and strong, preparing for further in-depth practices.

• Pranayama (Breathwork) – Techniques to regulate and enhance our breath, the vital life force.

• Pratyahara (Withdrawal of Senses) – Turning the attention inward, away from the external world.

• Dharana (Concentration) – Focused attention on a single point or object. Practices such as the Tratak meditation help facilitate this.

• Dhyana (Meditation) – Continuous, uninterrupted concentration, leading to the depths of consciousness. A state of “thoughtlessness”.

• Samadhi (Union) – The ultimate state of meditativeness; union with Divine consciousness; bliss and enlightenment.

In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali describes Yoga beautifully as, “Yogas Chitta-Vritti Nirodhah”. Written in Sanskrit, it can roughly be translated to mean that Yoga is the way to quieten the turbulence of the mind. It gifts us the ability to lessen or restrain the many vrittis of the mind, meaning its outdated patterns, thoughts, and regurgitations. This brings about a profound tranquility, affecting the body, mind, and spirit.

The Four Paths of Yoga

Did you know that there are plenty of ancient Indian texts, other than the Yoga Sutras, that talk about different forms of Yoga in its complete depth? The way of Yoga was the flow of life, back in those days. The Bhagavad Gita, another sacred text, explains many different types of Yoga that a human being performs throughout life. As a brief overview, the traditional teachings spoke about 4 distinct but interconnected forms of Yoga:

• Jnana Yoga (The Path of Knowledge): Philosophical study and contemplation to realize one's true nature beyond the ego.

• Bhakti Yoga (The Path of Devotion): Love and devotion to a higher power, creating a personal connection to the Divine.

• Raja Yoga (The Path of Meditation): Mastery over the mind through meditation and mental discipline, leading to Samadhi.

• Karma Yoga (The Path of Selfless Action): Dedicating all actions to the Divine, teaching humility, service, surrender, and purpose.

Together, these paths form a holistic system aimed at the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual evolution of the practitioner. The lifestyle changes these paths offer reverberate into our very consciousness, changing our outlook on life and its purpose. Yoga is not about outward perfection; it is about inner wisdom. By choosing any one or more forms, disciples vow to live a life dedicated to the Divine, blossoming into their infinite potential.

The Rise of Modern Variations

As Yoga became more and more popular in the West, people started enjoying the practices and started to create their own versions of it. Many learned practitioners brought Yogic science to the West, where it started taking forms of its own. We get it – Yoga has become a very popular ‘fitness trend’ around the world, and variations that cater to the innumerable demands have arisen.

Kulturhuset Islands Brygge (found on a Medium Post)

“Beer Yoga”, where participants sip beer while holding postures, and “Goat Yoga”, where practitioners perform Asanas while goats walk around or on them, are examples of such deviated practices. These forms may be marketed as fun, therapeutic, or unique experiences, but they miss the essence of what Yoga is meant to offer. Some of them even stand opposed to what Yoga teaches us, such as refraining from overindulgence or excess. There’s nothing wrong with these approaches – just don’t call them Yoga!

The distortion of Yoga may also stem from the push to make the system more accessible and appealing to a larger audience. Yes, we do believe in inclusivity; Yoga should have a far and wide reach, and be accessible to whoever needs it. But, why not embrace its traditional origins and still make it accessible to all? The essence of Yoga, as esoteric as it may seem, still stands firmly on the fact that anyone can be a true practitioner, regardless of cultural, religious, or racial identity. There’s no bar on entry! It is a science of and for humanity as a whole.

Yoga’s True Essence Matters!

The traditional paths of Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga were designed to purify the body and mind to prepare for higher states of awareness. It is akin to the strict dietary requirements to be followed and the purging that happens before a sacred plant medicine ceremony! Without the preparatory understanding and practices, students may limit their progress and miss out on the profound benefits Yoga can offer. Not only that, but the dilution and repackaging of Yoga poses a high risk of cultural appropriation, where many teachers seem to have no problems dissociating Yoga from its ancient Indian (Hindu) origins.

A return to the roots of Yoga does not mean dismantling all modern adaptations of it (okay, maybe some). Rather, it calls for an understanding and integration of the full spectrum of Yoga’s teachings. Physical health and well-being are indeed benefits of Yoga, but they should be seen as by-products of a larger spiritual journey. If you want to practice Yoga only for the physical benefits, go ahead. But make sure you understand the deeper context from which it arises. When understood and practiced as “Yoga for Self-Realization”, the effects start to resonate in all aspects of our lives, possibly leading to a transformation in the way we walk this bountiful Earth.

A Call for Authenticity

Namaste. A humble appeal to embrace Yoga’s essence

To truly honor the sacred Yogic tradition, we must respect its holistic nature. By acknowledging its spiritual aspects, ethical guidelines, and transformative potential, we can open the treasure trove that is Yoga. Let us strive to see it as a much-needed tool for personal growth and inner peace, not to mention outer harmony.

Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and the study of Yogic texts can help students connect with the deeper purpose of Yoga. As Swami Sivananda said, “Yoga is not a religion; it is a science, science of well-being, science of youthfulness, science of integrating body, mind, and soul.”

It is time to reclaim Yoga as a holistic spiritual discipline that goes beyond the physical form. Only then can we truly experience the transformative power of this ancient practice.

Do you feel the calling to experience Yoga in its true forms? Join us at Northern Light, where we offer a variety of yoga classes including Yin, Vinyasa, Kundalini, and more, paired with breathwork, meditation, and sound healing methodologies. Take a trial class, or sign up for a membership. Welcome, future Yogis and Yoginis!


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