How to Incorporate Mindfulness into Everyday Life - A Beginner’s Guide
Have you ever felt like life is moving too fast? Do you find yourself caught in a net of worries about the future or ruminations about the past? Well, you’re not alone! In the busy world we’re living in, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with details and disconnected from what truly matters in life.
But, there is good news - mindfulness has swept modern communities because it offers a simple and accessible way to be more calm, present, and joyful. And, all that without asking for too much time, effort, planning, preparation, or money.
Today, in this blog post, we will explore mindfulness as a concept and the art of being mindful so you bring joy and peace in your everyday life. We will also connect mindfulness to yoga practice and meditation, prompting you to maintain mindfulness on your yoga mat. Last but not least, we will end with some small tips and tricks to help you practice mindfulness every day and make it your healthy habit.
Mindfulness - the art of being present
In essence, mindfulness is a practice of being fully present in the moment, with complete awareness and attention to what is going on, without judgment or pressure. To be mindful means to pay attention to our thoughts, emotions, surroundings, and actions with openness and curiosity about what is present. Instead of doing things on “autopilot” or rushing through, mindfulness prompts us to slow down and experience every minute of life, as it comes and goes, giving space for something new.
The concept of mindfulness originates in the Buddhist and Hindu practices of meditation. Modern psychology embraced this tradition as a powerful tool to improve well-being and presence, reduce stress and worry, and promote being in touch with oneself and one's experiences. And, the best thing about mindfulness is that it doesn’t require anything special - no equipment, no knowledge, no long practice. It only requires our willingness to pause, pay attention, and be present, returning our mind to the “here and now” whenever it drifts away somewhere in the past or the future.
Mindfulness, yoga and meditation
If you have ever stepped on a yoga mat, practiced yoga asanas, or meditated, you have already practiced mindfulness. Through conscious breathing, movement, and body awareness, yoga is closely and deeply connected to mindfulness. With each practice of conscious breathing, focusing on movement from asana to asana and the way the body feels in a pose, you are strengthening your ability to be present and mindful. Our Northern Light Yoga classes in Oslo teach and practice mindfulness, supporting yogis to continuously build and maintain their mindfulness practice and ability.
Aside from yoga, meditation is another mindfulness practice, with a small twist. In meditation, we are training our mind to observe our thoughts and emotions, without engaging in them and entertaining them. Instead, it just focuses on experiencing them and letting them flow away, staying present for the next thing that comes. Mindfulness essentially does the same thing, but instead of releasing and letting go of thoughts and emotions, it strives to keep you engaged with only one thing, whatever it is that you’re doing at the moment.
Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness are all deeply connected. Together, they aim to help us cultivate our inner stillness, self-awareness, and balance. Our Rebirthing workshops teach these aspects as conscious transformative processes that, jointly, can help us give birth to our highest self.
What can mindfulness help with?
Mindfulness has numerous benefits and if practiced regularly, can be a transformative tool that allows us to connect with our inner Self and authenticity, living life with full awareness and attention, soaking up experiences as they come and go, instead of just rushing through them or doing them on autopilot.
Mindfulness is used as a technique that can reduce stress and anxiety. Have you noticed how all stress or anxiety is connected to what is yet to come? Well, mindfulness shifts your focus from the worries of the future or the regrets from the past, into the beauty of the present moment. When we live in the now, there isn’t any space for anxiety.
Mindfulness can also improve focus and concentration, making us more present in the daily tasks we engage in. And, instead of doing them while the mind wanders off, we can be mindful of what we do at the moment, managing and fulfilling tasks with care and attention.
Mindfulness allows us to emotionally regulate ourselves. Often, in times of distress or triggering situations, we tend to act impulsive, following established patterns already instilled in our mindset. And this is why changing our unhealthy habits is so hard. With mindfulness, we can take a second and think, being fully present and able to respond, instead of react in difficult situations.
Last but not least, mindfulness can also improve all of our relationships, including the one with ourselves. By being present and attentive to those around us, we can strengthen our relationships and show those close to us that we really listen and care. Furthermore, we can do the same thing for ourselves. When we regularly practice mindfulness, it becomes a “default” ability for us. Imagine how wonderful it would be to have trained ourselves to be completely and fully in touch with ourselves or everything around us. Immense self-respect, self-love, and self-care can be exercised in the present and in each new moment that follows.
A beginner's guide to mindfulness
Mindfulness theory sounds pretty straightforward to follow. Yet, it is much easier to explain than it is to do. With modern life, fast and busy lifestyles, and countless distractions, it can be very hard to be present. Being present may even be easiest to achieve at the top of a mountain, while you enjoy the view. Even then - a butterfly can always remind you of your childhood costume and start you off on memory lane about your past. And, this is the trick of mindfulness - even if the butterfly distracts us - that’s completely okay. We just have to slowly and humbly go back to the present moment.
Thankfully, we can all become mindful! Our brain is a very versatile organ, for those of us who are willing to train it. So, to live mindfully, we need to regularly practice mindfulness and, over time, make mindfulness an effortless habit that our brain simply defaults into.
And, if you prefer getting distracted by a butterfly, instead of your phone, we can offer a solution - we warmly invite you to our Northern Light Yoga retreats and Norwegian Ashram Experiences, where our community gets together to connect with one another and nature, practice yoga, meditate, explore nature and practice mindful harmony, both within and without!
Having instructions on how to make mindfulness a daily habit can surely help. When you are being mindful, you are not doing much - you are simply paying attention to things, as they happen. There is no past, there is no future, there is only here and now!
How to incorporate mindfulness into everyday life
Thankfully, you don’t need to make extra time in your day to be mindful—it can be included in your existing routine. Here are some simple ways to start practicing mindfulness every day:
Start with Your Breath
Our breath is an anchor to the present moment because it is an action that is everpresent. Take a few deep, conscious breaths whenever you feel overwhelmed. Feel the air entering and leaving your body, and let that awareness ground you. When we focus on our breath, we focus on the only absolute truth - “I am alive, I am present here and now!”
Practice Mindful Eating
Slow down and savor each bite of your meals. Put all distractions away and truly experience your food by noticing the flavors, textures, and smells. When we eat mindfully, we do two positive things - we mindfully engage with our surroundings and with ourselves.
Engage in Mindful Walking
Walking is an unavoidable aspect of our life, and a wonderful opportunity to be mindful. Instead of rushing from place to place while thinking about what you are going to do later, take a moment to feel the ground beneath your feet, notice the rhythm of your steps, and observe the sights and sounds around you.
Single-Task Instead of Multitasking
Bring your full attention to one task at a time. This way, you can fully focus on the task and how you feel while doing it. Whether it’s washing dishes, writing an email, or having a conversation, if we are mindful, we will be completely present, engaged, and connected to what it is that we are doing. With this, we are giving a different quality to our experience - we’re not just washing dishes, we feel water running through our hands. We are not just writing an email, we are making sounds with the keyboard. And we are not just having a conversation, we are looking into somebody’s eyes, seeing their color, shape, and gaze.
Take Mindful Pauses
Throughout the day, pause for a moment to check in with yourself. How are you feeling? What sensations are present in your body? How is it to be here and now, doing what you are doing? These tiny check-ins can bring more awareness and ease.
Listen with Full Presence
When speaking with someone, truly listen. Give them your full attention with your eyes, your ears, your body, your mind, and your heart. Being fully present in a conversation changes the whole experience, both for you and for the other person. Don’t rush to formulate your response or check your phone for the time. Instead, be here and now, open to receiving what they tell you, and honest in replying with the best of your intentions.
End the Day with Gratitude
Before you sleep, reflect on three things you’re grateful for. This simple practice will shift your focus to positivity and appreciation, making the end of the day a moment for mindful connection with your positive experiences.
An invite to live mindfully
As many have said, Mindfulness is a journey, not a destination. Mindfulness is not about getting there and becoming mindful. It is about the constant practice of being present and attuned to the moment. So, there is no “perfect” way to do mindfulness —what matters is your intention and willingness to show up for yourself in each moment. As you start your mindfulness practice, you will soon notice a greater sense of peace, clarity, and connection with yourself and the world around you.
So, take a deep breath. Start small. Be kind to yourself. And remember, every moment is an opportunity to return to the present and embrace life fully. Join us at Northern Light Yoga if you want to be part of a mindful community and have a “tribe” that can help and support you on your spiritual journey to a fulfilled life! We will be happy to have you!