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Womens Circle September 22

Womens Circle

Med Mette Harr Støre



Om Devi - Dear Woman

Welcome to an evening were we share the power of coming together in truth og being a Woman. You are invited to be raw and real about your current feelings being you, in togetherness of womanhood, so that we can heal and grow as individuals and as a whole.

Within a yogic framework we will circle around the altar, sharing soft practices, mantras, and the possibility to share from your heart in a safe space. Come as you are, open to receive and be blooming ♡

Bring your own mat, a pillow to sit on, something to drink, and snuggle up yourself in comfortable clothes. You are also welcome to bring flowers for the altar, a personal gem, or an instrument. Please come 10 min before to settle in.

Where: Northern Light Yoga
When: Tuesday September 8 & September 22 from 20:00 - 22:00
Offering: 250 each session

Light & Love,

Mette Harr Støre is a yogini with a master in psychology, student of Vedanta, on the path of merging spirituality with family life. Devoted to explore the power of gathering women in intimate sacred circles, to promote self- growth and healing. 

16. september

New Moon Breathwork with Ina Winter

23. september

Ayurveda - Lecture with Umā Inder