Introduction to Kundalini Yoga in Stavanger with teacher trainer Salila Gyanjot
" Our strength comes from Spirit.
Our Resilience comes from a strong nervous system.
Our victory is in our happiness. "
- Salila Gyanjot
One of the main gifts Kundalini Yoga can offer you is a practice to daily connect with your Spirit, as well as tools and exercises to strengthen your nervous system so you can meet life challenges with resilience and victory.
In this weekend's workshop, you will experience a solid introduction to how kundalini yoga can support you in daily life.
Saturday : Introduction to Kundalini Yoga + Practice and Meditation
16.30 - 19.30
Sunday : Stress Resilience and Soulful Living with Kundalini Yoga
10.30 - 13.00 - Morning session
13.00 - 14.30 - Lunch Break
14.30 - 17.00 - Afternoon session
Only Sunday-workshop: kr. 680,-
Whole weekend (Introduction + Sunday-workshop): kr. 880,-