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Concert with Felicia Falk

Welcome to an acoustic concert evening with Felicia Falck at Northern Light Yoga.
Date: 10 October
Time: 18.00-20.00
Ticket: 300nok
Earlybird ticket until 15th Sep: 250nok
Felicia Falck is a singer-songwriter from north Bohuslän in Sweden. She’s been writing since 2012, inspired by nature, her travels around the world and soulful connections.
Her lyrics embrace different aspects of life, from joyful bliss and peace to sorrow and longing.
In 2019 she released her first EP “Dreaming” with songs in English, recorded with her friend and producer Marcus Berg in Colombia on her solo journey in South and Central America.
In 2020 she released her debut album in Swedish Uppe i Norden
- ”Up in the North”. An album which reflects even more of her roots and where she is coming from. She released this album in September last year in the middle of the pandemic so there has been a strong longing to share these songs live with other people. So now she is very happy to be able to come back to Oslo to have a concert, as Oslo has been her home for 8 years until last year when she decided to move back to Sweden.
With song and guitar she will share her music straight from the heart.

Link to Spotify:
Link to Youtube:
Link to Instagram:

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