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Sunday Kirtan

Sunday Kirtan


Heartly and wholly welcome to a Sunday Kirtan experience at Northern Light Yoga.

We gather to explore the ancient art of devotional singing - a practice where we are given the tools to alchemise our reality through sound, sacred mantras and persistently flowing with the current that arises as we sing.

The mantras and songs offered will be from a varied range of epochs, traditions and lineages, all carrying within them the ineffable spirit of the timeless, spaceless One. The singing will be easy to follow, and no prior experience or skill is needed. Lyrics and guidance will be offered.

Please bring a wild flower for the altar.

This afternoon is guided by Mette and Magnus Støre. Both devoted seekers with a deep love for devotional singing they share this opportunity with you from the heart.

With light and love

Hari ૐ


When: Sunday August 23 17:00 - 19:00

Offering: 250

Registration: https:https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=291788&stype=-8&sView=day&sLoc=0&sTrn=100000126&date=08/23/20

Please come 15 minutes before to find your place and settle in.

Covid-19 awareness. 

15. august

Åpen dag på Northern Light Yoga

30. august

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