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Private Consultations in Vedic Astrology with Arjun Chakraborty

Meet Arjun, an authentic Indian Astrologer offering his service in personal consultations and education in Vedic Astrology @northernlightyoga
He is in Oslo from 23.4.-2.5. Take the chance to get insights into your destiny and practical advice on how to make the best out of your life and business or support your family.

During these consultations, you get to:

✨️Know your strengths and weaknesses and how to improve as a person

✨️Know your hidden talents and possibilities for the future

✨️Know how to get the best of your personal life

✨️Know how to improve your karma and how you can achieve your spiritual goals 

✨️Know how to improve your life in all aspects with the help of Vedic astrological, mysterious, and powerful remedial measures, like minerals and special rituals

Price: 1500,- NOK

Note: no personal information needs to be sent to Arjun prior to the consultation.

23. april

FREE Introduction to Vedic Astrology with Arjun Chakraborty

28. april

Vedic Astrology with Arjun Chakraborty