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Guru Dharam in Oslo January 13-15, 2023

Guru Dharam in Oslo January 13-15, 2023

"Guru Dharam is a rare, authentic and vastly intuitive and compassionate Kundalini Master ~ his vibratory presence alone is a precise and exquisite field of Aquarian Medicine and Wisdom." - Paramatma Siri Sadhana

Friday 18:00 - 20:00

The Blockbuster: Breaking through Karmic Squares.

The greatest challenges in your life are caused by Karmic squares which exert a controlling influence on your circumstances.

These squares are created by the Samskaric residues from those previous lives which are your personal karmic narrative and which now form the features of both your inner and outer lives. Spiritual practice is a directed accelerant of your personal process to move through obstacles while cultivating the pure potential of Emptiness.

Kundalini Shakti shows us how to use the momentum of the moment to break the lock of karma using the power of your Creative and Projective force.

Clear blocks known and unknown from your energy field. Then harmony, tranquility and what the ancients called 'Gods speed' can prevail in your life.

Saturday 10:00 - 17:00 & Sunday 10:00 - 16:00

The Dharma and Karma of Meeting Opposition, Obstacles, and Blocks.

Life is a succession of challenges to our mind stream, our emotional body, our circumstances, and our soul mission. How we approach these challenges determines our level of consciousness. Are we a super yogi, a medium yogi or a bhogi. ( a self absorbed egotistical type )

This workshop presents several ways of dealing with perceived opposition, blocks and obstacles effectively as you grow in consciousness.


Friday 350,-

Saturday + Sunday 1600,-

5. januar

New Horizons Numerology of 2023 and Kundalini Yoga, in person and online

14. januar

Concert with Kundalini Yoga mantras by Radical Devotion