Aries Fullmoon celebration with Kundalini Yoga, Breathwork and Gong.
with Ina Winter
Thursday 1. 10 kl 18:00-20:30
As the moon grows full, we gather together in circle to work with the potent and radiant energy of the Harvest Moon, the full moon in Aries. Ina will guide the group through a journey of Kundalini Yoga and the transformative Breathwork practice, ending with a Gong bath to clear, integrate and calibrate.
This Full Moon brings the energy of the warrior. What do you want to fight for in your life? What are you passionate about? What gets you out of bed in the morning? This Full Moon is asking you to take a stand for what you want. You have the power and control over your own destiny. The Aries Full Moon wants to find out how far you are willing to go. Now is the time to strip everything else away and get very clear. On this Full Moon you will gain clarity on how strong you truly are.
About Breathwork
Breathwork is an active meditation technique that invites you to consciously connect with your breath and clear your mind and body of stagnant energy.
It is a gateway to non-ordinary states of consciousness where profound healing and transformative experiences can occur. Many who have worked and implemented this method say it is the next caliber of transpersonal healing and find it to be completely life-changing. Through the unfathomable intelligence of breath (Spirit), the breather is guided on a personal journey into their being/soul.
It aids in any transformational shifts we are working on, whether we are looking relieve blockages, trauma, limiting believes or gently restore the body, deepen our understanding of who we are, and awaken to our innate knowing.
It activates and moves you, while releasing tensions and limiting beliefs. It is a beautiful doorway into presence, a coming home to your core self; an opening to honest self - love, healing, and deep trust.
Om Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga er en kraftfull, helhetlig og meditativ yogaform - designet for å møte de utfordringene som tiden vi lever i bringer! Kundalini Yoga er opprinnelsen til Medisinsk yoga og byr på et mangfold av terapeutiske metoder.
Opplev en annerledes og spennende yogaform hvor du i tillegg til fysisk trening får erfare økt mental og emosjonell helse, samt utvikle en dypere kontakt med ditt autentiske selv.
I Kundalini Yoga fokuserer vi mye på mindfulness-lignende teknikker og stressmestring gjennom meditasjon og yogaøvelser som både styrker nerve, hormon og immunsystemet. Denne yogaformen blir ofte kalt "Yogaen for bevissthet" og hjelper deg å komme i kontakt med ditt potensiale som menneske, samt øke det mentale fokuset og evnen for tilstedeværelse.
About your Guide : Ina Winter Andersen
Ina is a natural healing facilitator, working on bridging science and spirituality with an aim to experience life from a more connected place, and to access our own innate ability to naturally heal. She holds space, whether you need support on a physical, psychological or a spiritual matter. As a complementary treatment for wellness and healing, or as your guide in self-development and transformation and awekening. She also focus on accessing creativity, intuition and finding your true voice.
Ina is a trained Reiki Master and teacher, Certified Breathwork facilitator and Kundalini yoga teacher.